(boyfriend's oldoldold shirt, white shorts from UO, tights from Express, chain bracelet)
I'm on break now! And on Friday I was snowed in so we had a snow day. Yipee! But sadly its about 5 degrees out. Nevertheless, I'm SOSOSOSOSO happy that school's out. I wanna get me some Baby It's "Coal" Outside nail polish. In desperate need of blacks and greys on my nails. Ha.
Edit 12.23.08
I made a few more last purchases today for my mother and sister, a mother whom I've to make amends with. Shouldn't the holidays be about... sheer happiness? Too bad in our residence it calls for angsty, not so happy Asians. My boyfriend says that this is the only family that gets stressed and angered despite the holiday cheer.
Anyway. I was at Tar-jay today in the blistering cold and mounds of snow to buy a few things e.g. nail polish, nail polish remover, gum, and this boy, yes, boy, comes up to me. Apparently he was a worker there and he was just hovering over me... Like he had nothing to do. Just hovering. And he finally asked me if I needed help. I didn't know Tar-jay really did that, ya know, ask people if they needed assistance. Oh whatevs.
Merry Christmas Everybody!
Happy Holidays!
I'm excited for the holidays! So happy holidays all! And here's my favorite clip of all time:
aahhh i love putting a shirt like that with shorts, always looks good. that shirt fits you so well even though its your boyfriends haha lucky you :)
great look babe, love the oversized shirt!
i check out your blog all the time, i love your style and i really enjoy your blog
Thanks maggie! Those ARE great books. But I think you meant Azar Nafsi when you wrote Satrapi, though her novels are amazing as well.
btw. you look great in your boyfriend's shirt!
through serendipitous chance, i stumbled on your blog, which happened to be one of few in English and actually intelligible.
elf is a hilarious movie. i saw it first in spanish class and obviously we had to watch it in Spanish so "Welcome Santa" as read as "Bienvenidos Santa."
Haha love Elf!
My mom has the dvd and we've watched like 3 times this holiday season already :P
Hope you have a good Christmas!!
Just wanted to wish a Merry Christmas, I hope you have a great one, Maggie!
i love this outfit! & happy holidays!
La C.
really how cute are you. I love the shirt and the pout haha. Hush baby most everyones family is a bit hectic during the holidays especially mine. Then again is it just the asians haha?
Happy holidays♥ o.~, China L.
darlin gyou look effortless in these shots. did you get the nail polish.love the shade name.;o)
Sweetie hope you had a love filled holiday and that the time with your family was ok.
Sometimes family can be less than fun,lots of families get angsty over the holidays,so your by no means alone ;o)
hope things better for you beautiful.
of course not! i never mind links :)
i love this outfit and also i really hate when employees hover over me. i just want to tell them to gtfo haha, it's only their job to help me when i want to be helped!
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